Agile Lunch and Learn: Past events

  • Agile Principle #8 - Sustainable Development - AgileLnL

    Agile Principle #8 - Sustainable Development - AgileLnL

    240 people attending

    Featuring a newly finished Agile Cartoon that we'll be continuing our walk through all 12 Agile Principles, looking at Principle #8 - Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. This principle may not e the most exciting, but that doesn't mean it isn't important. We'll explore how teams both follow and violate this principle and talk about how you can make sustainable development a more important part of your pursuit of agility.

  • When asked for an estimate, how do you feel? What's your answer?

    Let's look at some of the needs that the business has where estimates can help. We'll talk about ways to meet these needs in a reasonable fashion. And we'll turn "wrong estimates" into value for both the business and the developers.

  • Introduction to Genetic Algorithms - AgileLnL

    Introduction to Genetic Algorithms - AgileLnL

    268 people attending

    Genetic algorithms find solutions by "evolving" a solution from less fit to more fit versions. In this session, we'll look at the basics of genetic algorithms, what types of problems lend themselves to this approach, and then demonstrate a genetic algorithm used to draw pictures with lines. We will spend just a few minutes looking at code, but the talk is aimed at explaining the concepts in a way that should be useful for both developers and non-developers.

  • Innovation is once again accelerating as no other generation has experienced before, rendering the old playbook ineffective and invalidating the assumptions of the iron triangle and traditional Project Management. Despite this, many companies and leaders hold on to an outdated paradigm. This session will introduce an alternative perspective, thereby facilitating open discussions among the attendees.

  • User stories drive the process of creating software. Good user stories help develop software efficiently, but poor user stories can lead to lower return on investment and even cancelled projects. We will look at a number of example user stories from robotic milking machines to online shoe stores to discover the key to creating stories that effectively represent complex work with simplicity.

  • Agile Principles - Pirate Edition

    Agile Principles - Pirate Edition

    338 people attending

    To kick off our first lunch & learn in 2025, we are going to review the 12 Agile Principles by looking at each principle and then hearing a pirate's take on it. Invite your team for a fun review of the Agile Principles.

  • Psychological Safety and Remote Work

    306 people attending

    Over the last four years, the world has experienced an unprecedented shift to remote and hybrid work environments. This poses questions for those interested in high-performing teams, because physical distance from our teammates has created challenges to fostering and increasing psychological safety.

    This talk presents original research on and explores the relationship of remote environments and psychological safety. Participants will learn about factors that impact safety in a remote environment and ways to promote safety in remote and hybrid teams, as well as implications for leadership, teamwork and generative work across all environments, in-person, hybrid and remote.

  • Code Perilous: Adventurous Tales of Software Creation

    Code Perilous: Adventurous Tales of Software Creation

    185 people attending

    In this session, Mark will give brief stories of five software projects and discuss lessons learned that apply to most software efforts. We will look at dangerous hidden pitfalls that defeated teams despite what looked like inevitable success and recount the hardwon victory of projects where teams delivered despite all odds.

  • Great By Choice Book Summary - AgileLnL

    203 people attending

    Jim Collins' book Great By Choice looks at what makes companies succeed in times of uncertainty and chaos. We are going to do a summary of the book, look at some of the key takeaways that apply to Agile teams, and give away a copy of the book--all in about 30 minutes.

  • Agile Principle #7 - Working Software - AgileLnL

    Agile Principle #7 - Working Software - AgileLnL

    235 people attending

    Featuring a newly finished Agile Cartoon that we'll be continuing our walk through all 12 Agile Principles,looking at Principle #7 - Working software is the primary measure of progress. Is this principle so obvious that it doesn't need to even be mentioned? We'll explore how teams sometimes let things other than working software become their primary measure of progress and talk about how to avoid that danger on your own team.
