Agile Lunch and Learn

  • Featuring a newly finished Agile Cartoon that we'll be continuing our walk through all 12 Agile Principles, looking at Principle #8 - Agile processes promote sustainable development. The sponsors, developers, and users should be able to maintain a constant pace indefinitely. This principle may not e the most exciting, but that doesn't mean it isn't important. We'll explore how teams both follow and violate this principle and talk about how you can make sustainable development a more important part of your pursuit of agility.

  • In this presentation and live coding demo, I'll be talking about alternatives to "fake it 'till you make it". I'll share stories about challenging learning situations, and leave you with some concrete ideas for how to make yourself an expert in the tools and practices you use at work. I hope you'll leave the talk with more confidence and excitement about learning at work (or more ideas about how to stir up that hunger to learn in others).

  • You've probably heard about "splitting" user stories, but often the idea is mentioned without any real concrete idea of what it involves. In this talk we are going to look at why splitting user stories is valuable, some theory about how to do it, and then look at some real world examples of splitting users stories.

  • Lean concepts have become more and more popular in software development. Coming from the manufacturing world, understanding these concepts and how they can apply to your software development efforts can help you to deliver faster and more reliably. Join Mike as he makes the case for integrating lean software development principles into your software development methodology.
